Monday, April 12, 2010


Ok. I know I'm probably going to catch some flak for watching "Twilight" but, honestly I must say It's really good, you guys.

First, I'm really confused as to why so many teenage girls like it. I mean Paul Newman was really a good lookin' fella in his prime, but by '98 he was maybe a little old for the tween set. The movie is basically about this aging private detective who ends up through an odd series of events including him getting shot in the thigh (remember this part its important later) living in the guest room of some retired movie producers or something played by Gene Hackman and Susan Sarandon.
After the very beginning, this part is kinda boring. I mean Gene Hackman and Paul Newman are great together, but they are just sitting around playing games and stuff. Then, like outta nowhere, Gene Hackman asks Paul Newman to deliver a mysterious package. When he gets there this guy gets MURDERD! Whaaaaat?!!!! I really wasn't expecting that. So the cops come and take paul newman to the police station where he sees his old friends stockard channing and James Garner who heard that he got shot at the beginning of the movie but they heard that he got shot in the ... ahem.... and not the thigh. This is actually a pretty funny joke in context.

I really don't want to spoil anything else for you, but suffice it to say he ends up on a pretty complex ride as the package is only the first key to a extraordinary mysterydventure. (Ya see what I did there?)

I must reiterate that I am kind of confused since this didn't seem like the type of movie that would be fodder for 7th grade girls, but I guess I'm just out of touch. Maybe we're moving back to a place where kids idolize real talent and wisdom instead of the fleeting joys of youth.


  1. Jeez, Grampa! If you liked that Twilight movie, you might want to give those "Snooki Snackhouse" novels a try. I'm assuming you can read...
