Monday, December 21, 2009

@Avatar: More than just pure popcorn fun at the movies

I was apprehensive. I didn't really like the prospect of sitting in the same place for 3 hours with nothing to show for it but a headache and an upset stomach from the popcorn. However, though I left the theater with both of those things (for different reasons, though... don't ask) Avatar gave me an extra parting gift... the "Star Wars 1" Experience. I've always heard that audiences leaving "Star Wars 1" in 197? believed they had seen something special... something game changing. Who knows if they were right, but what I can say for sure is that Avatar is the real deal.

I had been told that Avatar was just "Dances with space" or at least that the plot was somewhat derivative. Who knows, but what I will say is that I found myself wishing I had an avatar and that I could run really fast and be in tune with nature on that level. At first, the Na'vi seem really woo woo and flakey, but the more you learn about their ways, the more you understand that they may be in fact wiser than we (and also several characters in the movie itself) give them credit for. The audience I saw the movie with was really sad to leave the theater and I can only imagine that when they went home, they did so with an increased appreciation of life. I certainly did.

Of course, there are going to be detractors who say that this is nothing more than the most amazing 3 hours of visual art you have ever seen. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLES. It is so much more than that. I have never seen Titanic, but if it evokes even 1/4th of the emotion that this movie does, it must be incredible. You are intended to fall in love with the planet and the Na'vi and you do. You want those in-laws. You want those friends and that wife. You want to have a direct line to every member of your species who has died.

Sure it costs 10 bucks (well a matinee here in NC costs ten beans) even if you protest that you already have Real-D glasses that you borrowed from your friend. I would gladly pay an additional 10 simoleons and 3+ hours (with trailers) to see it again.

Anyway, getting back to my point, I now know how it must have felt to see "Star Wars 1" in the theater. Maybe I should go rent it...


  1. You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.

    For starters, Star Wars (EPISODE IV - That's FOUR, you imbecile) came out in 1977. Obviously you've never seen that film - or any other, for that matter - and your review lacks insight or any specifics to prove you've even seen Avatar.

    Of course, I'm too good to lower myself to James Cameron's latest digital trickery, but it's paltry $73 opening indicates that only the truly gullible are flocking to see Avabore, and when you've knocked yourselves out bumping into walls after leaving your Real-D glasses on for six days straight.

    May the Force be with You, loser, because the ability to write clearly isn't.

  2. First, thanks for the comment. I really enjoy your blog and it kind of inspired me to write my own.
    Its true I haven't seen Star Wars. I only said star wars 1 because it was the first one made.
    Its a shame you don't want to see avatar because it's a really good story and definitely made people happy.

    I assume you meant to say 73 million but that's not so bad, it's still in like the top 25 or so of all time.

    Thanks! Hope you keep reading!
