Monday, December 28, 2009

@ Sherlock Homes

To begin with, wow and not in a good way.

I have always been a huge fan of the sherlock homes shows they show on TV so please don't try to say that I just don't like this type of movie because I really enjoy mysteries. I even enjoy macabre things from time to time but this was a little much. Don't laugh but it was a little too scary at points to be a good movie. I mean the hound of the baskervilles is pretty scary stuff, but usually they show that around Halloween so you're kind of prepared.

For example, it starts off with something macabre. There is waht looks like a satanic sacrifice. Yes you heard me right. A SATANIC SACRIFICE. Theres that circle and star thing and then knives and some sort of mind control going on. I am not making this up. Then Sherlock Homes and mr. watson come in and stop it which is good, but its a little too close for comfort as a pretty girl almost gets stabbed to death in the name of the Devil!

Then Watson is moving out of the townhouse that they share which is sad, but it's kind of happy too because he's going to get married.

Another thing I didn't like about this movie is how they made it all like homes was really goofy and couldn't take care of himself except for when he was fighting which he did very well might I add. That was weird. He was really good at beating people up. So much so that he did it for money in his off time. But watson was really good at fighting too and really strong with is weird.

Anyway, after they go and save the girl at the beginning the evil guy gets hung and comes back to life! I won't spoil anything for you but I have to hand it to the director that this was a really clever Idea. Just too bad there had to be so much bad stuff along the way. There were explosions too, which was weird becuase horror movies usually don't have stuff blowing up in them.

I'm just getting angry and upset writing this because I am so disappointed so I'm just going to put a list of things that should have been in the movie but werent:

The normal Sherlock Homes Hat
The phrase "Elementary my dear Watson"
A cheeky nod to Hercule Poirot
The normal sherlock homes pipe. He smokes this stupid modern looking pipe the whole time and it looks stupid.
A big magnifying glass.
Something that let you know that the scary stuff wasn't for real.

There are probably more things, and maybe I'll post some later if I think of them but for now, just take my advice and don't see this unless you are some sort of sicko.


  1. I guess I'm just a sicko, because I found this film to be cracking good fun. Of course, since you have issues with proper punctuation and spelling, I'm going to forgo taking you to task for more complicated statements, like those involving the number of explosions in horror films.

    Clearly, as you are some kind of ignoramus disguised as "film critic", such broad generalizations are likely a reflection of what someone told you, rather than the opinion of an informed individual.

    Surely even someone as dense as you understood that when Sherlock Holmes spelled out Lord Blackwood's ENTIRE scheme near the end of the film that he explained with clarity that "the scary stuff wasn't for real". Or were you cowering beneath your seat by then?

    On a side note, I'm slightly amazed you even know who Hercule Poirot is.

  2. Thanks again for continuing to read.

    I do watch a bit of A&E every now and again so I've seen some episodes of the poirot show, and since they're both detectives I thought it would be nice if the director had acknowledged that.

    Ha ha, no I wasn't quite that scared to be cowering under my seat. To be honest, I was really confused by the part at the end when Homes was trying to explain away all the evil black magic that the main villain did. You say they were just tricks, then? That's good.

    Hey, I'm glad you liked it. I guess I just didn't have the stomach for it.
